Upgrading Motherhood with Gratitude

 Recently, I was having some really yucky thoughts about my current situation.

* This sucks.

*I never have any time for myself.

*I'm burned out. 

But then, something changed.

I started to focus on gratitude. And once I let the happy thoughts in, the angry ones seemed to flood out, making room for more inspiration, clearing my mind and lifting my sights.

A lot of my perspectives shifted.

Instead of, "I miss living my dreams." 

I now think, "motherhood is one of my dreams! I'm going to live this one to the fullest now, and I will have time for all of my other ones later."

Instead of, "I'm so tired of wiping up poop, and cleaning the same messes every single day."

I now I think, "what a great opportunity this is to serve my God, and serve his children!"

Instead of, "I don't have any time to get anything done."

I now think, "if I utilize the short windows of time that I have, I can gradually make progress and accomplish what I need to."

Instead of, "I wish I had time to play with my babies.. but I have to ( fill in the blank)."

I now think, "I can make time to play/snuggle right now even if it's just 10 minutes."

Instead of,"I wish we didn't spend all of our time on meals and diaper changes, I wish we had more time to just play."

I now think, "how can I make this average event fun? whether that's reading books to them while they're on the potty, making them laugh during lunch, or just taking that extra moment to really notice and give them my attention, in the midst of the day-to-day tasks."

Instead of, "darn it. I was planning to shower, eat, clean out the car, clean the kitchen, and make lunch during that nap. And I only got to shower..."

I now think, "I'm so happy that I was able to clean out the car and get dressed before the kids woke up. And I bask in whatever small accomplishment I've made, over and over again that day, instead of being mad about all the things I wanted to do but didn't."

The moral of the story is, I had a greatly needed paradigm shift.

I know other mamas have these thoughts and feelings all the time, so I wanted to normalize them for you, by being vulnerable myself. ❣️

I felt like I just needed a good hour in a shrinks office, just to get out all my twisted thoughts, and to have him tell me how to fix them. But instead, since God knew I probably wouldn't make time for that, he helped me reframe every single one of them.❣️❣️❣️

Hope this helps you too, ❤️

You're amazing Mama, keep up the good work. ❤️


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