The Love Journals

The Love Journals

I had an idea...something I want to do when I'm married. :) I want to keep a series of love journals throughout our marriage to help me feel gratitude for my spouse, and to help us reflect on how we're doing as a couple, and how God is helping us in our marriage.

The first journal would be...

 1) Things I LOVE about my spouse. This is where I write all the things I am grateful for about him. His exceptional qualities, the little things I notice that he does for me every day, and the times in his life where I have seen him grow and personally develop. 

The second would be called

2)Answers and help we are seeking from the Lord. Which would include questions we may have, and blessings we are seeking. We could ask things like "Father, help us to be in tune with the spirit, so that we may know when you want to send a baby to our home." Or, "Father, help us in this weakness that we share, and help us learn how to turn them to strengths." Then, in the second part of this journal, we would have a section called Answers we have received from the Lord. Where we record the ways, he has granted our blessings, and answered our questions. 

The third journal would include...

3) Our strengths and weakness as a couple. In this portion of the series, we would record things such as how we feel we're doing well in certain areas. For example, "________, and I have the strength of communicating our dreams to one another." As well as "___________ and I could improve the way we listen to each other when resolving conflict." Then we could create actions plans to help us in the areas we want to improve, and then report back to one another, and our journal.

These journals are simply an outline and general guideline for ways to reflect upon, be intentional about, and improve our marriages. They can be used during couple scripture study or prayer, pulled out on date nights to enhance our view of what we are doing well together, or used in times of trial to review our relationship with the Lord, and the tender mercies he has provided us. 

The specific titles may be adjusted for the needs of the couple. Perhaps a couple who is drifting apart may start a journal called "All the reasons why I fell in love with you," Or, "The hell we've been through together, and how we made it out." Create your own idea! Anything you think would be fun and useful to enhance your marriage with your partner. 

Just like any times of personal reflection, taking time to reflect together as a couple can bring solace, peace, and enhanced problem-solving abilities. 

Enjoy. :) 

-         Future Marriage Therapist, Alyssa Dexter  


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