The Best. Date. Ever.

Tonight, I went on a date, and it was the best date ever.

He picked me up at 7. I wore my heels and a new dress. My makeup was fresh, his outfit was too. He knocked on my door and greeted me with a kiss. Then he offered me his arm. Oh, what an arm. ;)

We got in his shiny silver car, and then we began to talk. We talked and talked all the way to our destination. I brought a list of questions to ask him and we spent the time laughing and  guessing what each others answers would be.

We pulled up to Olive Garden, he pulled my chair at our table, and we shared a lovely meal. All the while discovering new things about each other. When we left the restaurant the evening was still young and so we walked around the falls and told each other all the reasons we were happy that we were married. Then we went home. I thanked him for the date, he walked me to my door, and left me with a kiss. ;)

(then he came in through the back door and we went to bed). ;)

I share this story not to make us look perfect (because we aren't ;) ) and not too make other people feel bad for not doing all the things they "think they should." I share it to let you know that you can make your time with your spouse SO SPECIAL. That you can make the dates you go on now even better than the ones you went on when you were dating. Set aside some time where you don't talk about kids, or work, or school, but you just get to know each other. Find out more about them. (there's plenty you don't know.) We as humans are dynamic and CONSTANTLY changing. And your spouse is constantly changing. Get up to date with them, their most recent dreams, their latest favorite foods, whatever it is, be it big or small, it's important for you to know. Then when you have to go back to day to day life with busy schedules, fussy babies, and messy kitchens, you have a reserve of love built up between the two of you and you're able to live off the good feelings from your date until you have time for another. :)


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