You choose: Support or Destory the Family

The following idea is inspired by Elder Christoffersons talk "Why Marriage, Why Family"

Before this life, we made a critical choice. We chose to follow God and his plan. Now that we're here, we get to decide whether or not to continue in this choice. Marriage is a critical deciding point in our lives wherein we decide many things, such as whether or not to marry, how many children we will have, and what we will teach our children. These choices will prove whether or not we will stay true to the choice we made in the pre-earth life.

Marriage isn't just about the love of a couple. Marriage is essential to every single person's salvation. We need couples to bring children into the world and raise them to know and follow God. Without the family unit, God's plan will be frustrated. If the family unit is ruined, spirit children will no longer be able to come to earth and gain the experience needed for their eternal salvation.

The choice to be married and have a family, raised in the gospel of Jesus Christ, will have positive effects on you and your posterity for eternity. You and your spouse will be the tools through which God can bring his children into the world to be tested and tried, and eventually brought back into his presence to live with him forever.

You can also be the destruction and frustration of his plan by choosing not to marry, have children, or raise them in the gospel, denying many of the privilege of an essential earth life experience and eternal happiness.

What will you choose?


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