Being Intentional

            Often, individuals enter marriage expecting their spouse will fill all of their emotional needs. They expect to feel complete, happy, and in love, most of the time. While it is wonderful to have high expectations, it’s important to remember that marriage takes intentionality. We’ve become consumers in marriage, friendship and dating relationships. When a person ceases to bring us happiness, we cast them off, assuming this means they are not the one for us. The truth is, every friendship will have challenges, and we need to be intentional in our relationships and exercise patience in order to develop lasting, satisfying relationships.
            How can we be intentional? It starts with a desire. A deep, driven, renewed will to show our love, even when it isn't reciprocated. Allow me to share a personal experience. In the friendship, I am developing right now, I pray every day for opportunities which will bring us closer together, I serve this person often, I pray for them and their well-being, and I encourage them in their talents and personal development. I want them to know how much I care. I don’t simply sit back and “hope something will work out,” I put my heart into our friendship, knowing that effort brings results. When we are thoughtful in our relationships and plan ways to strengthen them, we can have the calm assurance of knowing we are doing our best to take care of our friends.
(Disclaimer: the friendship spoken of is not connected in any way to the featured photo. ;)


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