What Goes Through a Boys Head When He is Trying to Express His Feelings to You? :)

Like many of you, I have wondered "what goes through his head when he is trying to tell me how he feels?" I know that it's hard for him to express exactly what he feels, and I know he wants to be understood, but I wonder "how does he feel when he's trying to get his idea across?" Is he unsure which words he wants to use to express his emotion? Is he embarrassed about expressing emotion?"

Men are socialized to be tough, and avoid expressing themselves, but the truth is THEY FEEL A LOT, and deserve to be able to express those feelings in a way that doesn't rob them of their masculinity. I personally don't want any man to feel his emotions are suppressed, suppression is extremely unhealthy and can lead to other issues. At the same time, I know they want to have that tough front, and often feel that if they show a soft side, we will view them differently. While this may be true, from my own experience I know that their disclosure only increases my compassion for them, and makes me more aware of their needs.

I think that sharing feelings makes you closer to each other. So it's okay men, it's okay to express your feelings. I've heard some of my friends say "Girls always tell us they want us to express our feelings, and then when we do they think we're too emotional and don't want to be with us." I could see how this would be contradicting for them because they're being told we want to know how they feel, and then when they tell us, we back away. I think the solution to this is to BE CAREFUL WHO YOU SHARE YOUR FEELINGS WITH, and also the timing. A girl who genuinely cares for you wont be scared off by you sharing how you feel.

Anyways guys, it's okay to say how you feel. We APPRECIATE openness and honesty. We appreciate seeing who you REALLY ARE. ;)


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