Luke 1:37 For With God Nothing Shall Be Impossible

We read of many miracles in the bible. The one in Luke is most impressive. A woman who is past 100, becomes pregnant, and gives birth to a son. If that is not impossible, I don't know what is. Literally, science does not permit a 100 year old woman to give birth, it just doesn't happen.

But then, we look up at the God of the universe and smile, because we know no matter how much knowledge we have, with logic, science, and math, God, is God. So if he tells an 100 year old to give birth, or a mountain to move, even if it's not logical, IT'S GOING TO MOVE. And if he wants to strike someone dead, soften a heart, or even cure cancer. It can happen. Because God, is God, and we worship a God of Miracles.

His son is companionate in this role of miracle worker. Christ healed the blind, caused the lame to walk, cast out devils, and performed all manner of miracles. But my favorite is when he calmed the storm.

Image result for christ calming the storm

This is one of the easiest stories for me to relate to, because he calms my storm. There seems to be so many things in life, offense, misunderstanding, neglect, and many other painful experiences which swirl a storm within our hearts. But then, when we remember the Savior of the world, we see that because of him, we can forgive, walk taller, let go. He brings peace to the storm in our hearts. I love him for this. :)

So what does it mean? Knowing that nothing is impossible with God, and that Christ works mighty miracles? Well my friends, it means he's got you, and he's got me, and he'll never lose his tight grip of love on us. He wont forget our names, lose our records, or neglect to wish us happy birthday. ;) (figuratively speaking.) He is ALWAYS going to be aware of us, and he is always going to care. And this to me brings the greatest security.


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