The Innate Ability of Mormons to Argue for Religious Freedom

The Innate Ability of Mormons to Argue for Religious Freedom!

            The history of the saints is well remembered by all. They were driven from place to place, in the most horrid of circumstances, facing disease, weather extremes, including frost bite and heat stroke, and death. Many lost new born babies, others lost husbands, fathers, sons, daughters, and many lost their own lives. There wasn’t a single person who embarked on that treacherous journey, who didn’t suffer an immense loss. The most beautiful, and yet painful thing about this story is that they made all these sacrifices of their own accord, for the cause of their freedom. Anyone who thinks that Mormons can’t argue for religious freedom, needs to be informed of who we are, and what we stand for. 

            We have been fighting for our freedom since before time began. Literally. In the pre-mortal existence, we started this fight, and we will finish it in our mortal existence. We believe that we were given an option before we came to this earth, an option to be bound, coerced, and forced into a carved path of perfection, where we would never make a single mistake nor a single choice. Or, an option to choose freely, for ourselves, what we would do in this life, and who we would choose to follow. We fought a valiant and brave war, and we won. And now we are here, in mortality, making these choices, every single day. But the fight hasn’t stopped.

               Mormons, as well as most Christians believe that while we are on earth, we enjoy the exercise of free will. To act for ourselves, and not to be acted upon (2 Nephi 2). However, we find ourselves subject to kings, rulers and magistrates, and strive to obey, honor, and sustain the law (Article of Faith #12), which puts us in a bit of a pickle. Sometimes, the magistrates and governments which we follow, make executive decisions which limit our freedom. It is then that we choose between our freedom or our loyalty.

            In the early years of the reestablishment of our church, we were faced with such a conundrum. Missionary’s from the Eastern United states came to England to share the good news of the restored gospel, and then to harvest followers who desired to embark on a path following Christ. Many of those who heard the message migrated to America, seeking freedom to worship with others of their same faith. Among these were my relatives from Manchester, who followed their hearts over to the states. Their journey was rocky, and the transition was rough, they were literally crammed in boats, by the thousands, for days, but they did it for the cause of freedom, to be able to worship and true and living God, with no restrictions.

            And still today, we carry on in our fight in the political realm.  Many of other faiths share in our beliefs against abortion, gay marriage, and the legalization of marijuana, recognizing that to take a life, no matter how young, is to rob a person of their freedom to come to earth and experience life. Gay marriage robs us of freedom as well, because we are committing an act which mocks the divine appointing of marriage which God has set before us. Surely, there will be consequences for mocking the standard of our God. Marijuana also is a thief of freedom, because those who are under the influence of this very powerful drug, have lost their sound mind and  intellect,and their ability to choose. There are many other issues today which we fear, things which kick at the very foundation of our moral code, and threaten our ability to practice our God given religion in its fullest. From my observation, and from what I know about our faith, I would have to argue that the passion and the power behind the Mormon moral force is strong. And that we will fight with all that we have for those things which are truly important to us. We will always advocate for truth and freedom. We have since the beginning, and we will until the end. 


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