Setting Aside Worries and Trusting in Your Ultimate Event Planner (Heavenly Father ;)

Tonight, I want to talk to you about ruminating. What do I mean by ruminating? I'll explain. :) Ruminating is EXCESSIVE worry, distress, and sometimes even despair. It's where we WANT and sometimes DEMAND answers. We mull things over, again and again in our minds, WONDERING, trying to see how we can make things happen. Sometimes, it even makes us sick, because we stress too much. We tell God that we're going to FAST tomorrow, and then we expect the answer by tomorrow evening. We tell him we're going to go to the temple, and then by the time we get to celestial room, we want him to reveal the plan. This kind of mindset is uncomfortable, peace less, and frustrating because God is not on our timeline, we are on his. We can't push him to give us the answers on our time, we have to wait, and gradually, bit by bit, the answers come. But it can take months, and even years.

This process can be trying, but there is something important we need to remember about the Father-Child relationship. He knows what's best for us, better than we do! He loves us, more than we love ourselves, and we need to wait on him. He is like the perfect event planner. We commission him with figurative, money, plans, and the general outline of what we want, but he has the vision. The full picture. He knows exactly where to order the flowers, so that they're fresh and fragrant when they hit the tables. He knows the perfect recipe for soft and moist cake, which wont harden after hours of exposure. And he knows EXACTLY which guests need to sit where, to ensure optimal harmony at the event. Essentially, he is in the details. He works out the kinks, and plans the beautiful surprises. Though we may feel alarmed when changes are made in our perfect plans, like when we see chiffon table clothes being brought out, instead of cotton, when all is said and done, chiffon is so much more fitting! But of course, we wouldn't know that, because we didn't see that he added silk flowers to the arrangements, or pink pearls to the table spread. This is why we have to trust him. Things are going to come up in our lives which we are totally unaware of, and he is going to try and navigate us in the right course. We may not see what his full plan is for us, but he knows the whole picture, and if we could see the end results, we would plan it exactly as he does. :)

So my friends, what am I trying to say? I am trying to say that we don't need to ruminate! :) I want you to do something for me...:) Pick something you are TOTALLY and COMPLETELY worried about, and then GIVE IT TO HIM. :) Trust him with it. Go on...hand it over. I KNOW it's hard, but YOU CAN DO IT!!! Set it aside, give it to him, and move forward with your challenge. It is in HIS capable hands! HE will take it, and he will work it out. And I       promise you, he will show you the solutions when it's time. :)


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