God's Guidance

Today, I want to speak about a very important principle...Father's guidance to us as his precious children.

This week, I had a very special experience where Heavenly Father guided me to make an important and unexpected decision, his guidance to me is often last minute, and quite the surprise, but I just roll with it, so it works out fine.;)

During the week I was presented with a unique opportunity. When the moment came for me to decide whether or not to make this choice, I knelt in prayer at my bedside, and inquired of him. However, like he often does, he didn't give me the answer while I was on my knees, but while I was on my feet. Usually, God and I communicate better when I'm up and acting, instead of down and sitting. I told him during my prayer, that if four things lined up, I would take this as an indication that we wanted me to move forward, and if they didn't line up, I would take this as an indication that I should sit still. So, I got to work, and guess what? All four of those things lined up! So of course, I stuck to my end on the deal, and made the choice to move forward.

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After making the decision, I experienced a certain level of opposition. There were thoughts and feelings in my mind, questioning whether or not I made the right choice. I felt anxious, and a little insecure, but with the help of the holy ghost, I brushed these feelings aside, and moved forward. They returned occasionally, but I didn't let them slow me down. I REMEMBERED my relationship with God, and his confidence in, and love for me, and this helped me to carry on.

I am still in the midst of acting on the choice I made earlier this week, and all the while, I feel underlying peace. :) Praise be to God for this. :) I know that he REALLY DOES guide us, that he is confident in us, and that he loves us!


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