Our Part in the Plan of Salvation

I want to teach my children that sex is sacred. Elder Holland says” It would be better not to address the topic than to damage it with causality.” I find since reaching my twenties that I am very comfortable talking about sex. I want to make sure this comfort doesn’t turn to casualty. Sex is a procreative power to bring spirits to earth, to experience the plan of salvation. I know of nothing more sacred than this. This is the first step to father’s plan, bringing his children to earth. How lucky we are to assist in this first step in the plan of salvation.
The plan has been set for children to come to families, families who obey God and raise their children in love and honor. The first step in the plan can’t be accurately executed if a righteous family isn’t in place. I personally don’t believe that unrighteous people should have children. How unfair is that, to the spirit children, to be born into a family where they are taught incorrectly? I don’t think this is a very good start to their lives. Which brings me to a second point, families assist God in the second part of the plan of salvation as they raise their children in love and honor. God allows all of his children to assist him in his marvelous plan of salvation, through bringing children to the world, and then teaching them in the world. How magnificent of Father to allow us to be such active participant in his perfect plan. I love and thank him for this.
It is my testimony that as we are worthy, active, covenant keeping latter day saints, we will be blessed with opportunities to assist God in his wonderful plan of salvation.


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