The Parallels Between Hispanic Immigrants and Families that Move Within The States

I come from a family that moves an average of once every three years. So, in some ways, I feel like an immigrant. In my extended family, many of my cousins have had to move a lot as well and I have witnessed first hand, a lot of similarities between myself and my cousins, and the immigrant families that were studied in south Carolina.

I read an article on the effects of immigration on a family. I was surprised by how destructive immigration can be. Typically, when Hispanic families come to the
states, both parents have to work to sustain the family and the children can become very depressed because of lack of family time. As I read this article, I noticed that many of the principles in immigration affect us as Americans, as well.

For example, when a family moves, from say, Idaho to Arizona, and they enjoyed the nature of Idaho, as well as their friendships and living conditions, it can be very hard to readjust to a new place where living conditions may not be as comfortable of where opportunities are not the same. The children in this situation could feel very similar to the children in a Hispanic family who greatly miss their home in Mexico.

Also, many Mexican children have very close bonds with their parents and I would argue that many american children have close bonds with their parents as well. ESPECIALLY "American Immigrants" who have to move from State to State. I feel that the constant changes taking place in the lives of these families, who often move, provides the same type of bonding that takes place when a Hispanic family immigrates. The reason why is because your family becomems your only constant group of friends, and the friends outside of your family, as well as the programs you are a part of are constantly changing. It's as if you are rooted to a mobile tree stump, and you will always be rooted to that stump, but the forest around you is forever changing.

To find out more about Hispanic immigration, and how it can relate to your own personal immigration, check out this link:


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