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The Law of Consecration

In the Church of Jesus Christ, we make promises with God to remember Jesus, do his work, be obedient, and give all that we are to build up his church. In return, he promises us never ending happiness in his presence, with our families.  I've always stood by the promises I've made to God, and I've tried my best to sacrifice for him and do all that he's asked me to do. When we joined the military, those promises were really put to the test. I experienced months on vomiting and anxiety while my husband was at training- the thought of this new life was quite literally hard to stomach.  Since then, I've had other occasions where I become particularly overwhelmed by what is asked of us- specifically what is asked of me as I support Tyler in his (our) work here on the earth.  Recently, after gaining knowledge of more upcoming commitment and sacrifice, I found myself spiraling into another one of these anxious pits.  As I've reflected on these experiences, a few things

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